Well, back to work after a wonderful week in Germany! Heather and Marc-Andre are married!!!!! The wedding was beautiful and the reception was fun.
We spent the rest of the week going around Germany to different towns that are a part of our heritage.
It was great to have Spencer there for the short time that he was able to join us. While we were walking in Lauterbach we found a store that was named VOGT, so we got our picture taken in front of it. After the brunch on Sunday morning we had Katy take some engagement pictures.
Stephen did wonderfully on the plane on the way home. He didnt cry once!! It was great to have the whole family together, especially with the new addition of Stephen and the other boys!!!
Well, I had a wonderful time in Germany but it is good to be home again, besides going back to work. It will be good to have everyone together again for Heidi's wedding in January!