66 Ford Fairlane
Here are some pictures of Spencer's new '66 Ford Fairlane. We drove down to Spencer, Roger, and I drove down to Houston and stayed with Mindy on Saturday night. Then Spencer and Roger went to get the car and Dona and I hung out for a little longer then I went home with her. Anyway, it is a "SWEET" car as Spencer would say. The engine and everything else sounds really good. There is a little bit of work that needs to be done on the brakes and one of the leaf springs in the back before Spencer will feel comfortable with driving on other roads rather than just the back country roads by our house. Check out the license plate. This car was meant for Spencer!!!

Well, Mom & Dad are down for the week and they thought that it would be funny to bring winter down with them. We woke up this morning to SNOW!!!! I thought that I had moved away from snow.
We are having a good time with my parents. Spencer and I have been busy with work so Mom & Dad have been helping out around the house. My mom made these valences for our great room and they look great! Dad planted the Red Oak that Spencer got for me for my birthday and built me a raised bed garden. We have planted onions, green & yellow bell peppers, eggplant, peas, radishes, strawberries, and we have tomatoes and jalapenos to plant when the weather is going to stay warm. I am sooo excited about having a garden this year!
Anyway, I am going to go help Dad with dinner. I will put some pictures up from our cruise next week.
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