The Game!
Well, Spencer, Dad and I were at the frigid game today at Soldier Field. My Dad stayed warm throughout the game with his big boots and other clothes. I was wrapped up in about 4 layers and then also inside a sleepingbag. Spencer was wrapped up and both of our feet were COLD!!!!! It was a good game, but we all were hoping that the Packers would've won. Lets just hope that they beet the Cowboys and win the Superbowl. We are all glad to be back in the warmth of the house. Spencer has decided that going to the end of the season games up north is no fun and we are going to stick to the warm games. Well, I am going to get back to the family. Lisa, Ryan, Stephan, Heidi, Anthony, Anne, Mom and Dad are all here and we are having lots of fun!!!!! I will post a couple of pictures when we get home after Christmas. We are going to be spending the rest of Christmas with my family and we will be getting back late Christmas day.
Only In Texas
So today I was driving around and saw a man working on a backhoe with a cowboy hat on, and no it wasn't Roger, even though he does. Anyway, everyone else on the site was wearing hard hats so I thought that this was a little strange. Then he turned his head and it WAS a hard hat. Only in Texas will you find people wearing hard hats shaped like cowboy hats!

Only One Trick-or-Treater
New Job!
So, I excepted a new job this morning with Austin Tree Experts (www.austintreeexperts.com) I am going to be a consulting sales arborist for them. Spencer and I are really looking forward to this new adventure. It will help us with all of the bills and the mortgage on our new wonderful home. I am going to start the 2nd week in November. This gives me time to get used to getting up in the morning again ;) I am going to continue to work for the wine seller and doing the books for her husbands company. I will just cut back on the hours I work.
I can't believe it!!!!!
So we had Dona over for dinner tonight. We had a wonderful dinner, we made some oatmeal cookies and then some pumpkin bread. And now, Spencer actually has Dona playing Madden '08 on his playstation right now.
WE ARE IN!!!!!!!!!!
We finally made it into our wonderful home. Sorry this update is so late. We moved in 2 weeks ago, just before Heather and Marc-Andre came down to visit. They were lots and lots of help. MA had fun learning how to operate a skid steer loader and Heather had fun organizing the kitchen and helping me hang up pictures!
I don't have any pictures yet, there are still some boxes around so I would like to get those taken care of before I show the house to everyone.
It sounds like I may have a new job opportunity in tree care just north of Austin to just south of where we live. I would be a consulting arborist, have my own company truck, computer, and phone. I wouldn't get my appointments online every morning, go to them, and go home. Spencer and I are still discussing if this is what is best for our family right now, but we will see soon. I have to let the owner of the company know by the end of the week whether I am interested or not. Well, I am going to go watch my husband play some football on his PS2 and write some more thank you notes.
I don't have any pictures yet, there are still some boxes around so I would like to get those taken care of before I show the house to everyone.
It sounds like I may have a new job opportunity in tree care just north of Austin to just south of where we live. I would be a consulting arborist, have my own company truck, computer, and phone. I wouldn't get my appointments online every morning, go to them, and go home. Spencer and I are still discussing if this is what is best for our family right now, but we will see soon. I have to let the owner of the company know by the end of the week whether I am interested or not. Well, I am going to go watch my husband play some football on his PS2 and write some more thank you notes.
We had a safe trip back to Texas and it decided to rain Tuesday night and Wednesday morning so Spencer wasn't able to work on Wednesday, but I did, I started by job book keeping for the owner of the wine sellers husband. It dried out enough that Spencer was able to go back to work on Thursday. Dona and I started moving things into the house yesterday. We mostly moved kitchen stuff. All of our dishes are in their place and looking nice! I can't wait to move in and get everything organized ( I may need Heather's help when she and MA come down at the end of the month ;) ) Spencer said today that he will probably be able to get the backhoe over to the house next week, which means that our septic will be put in and we can MOVE IN!!!
When I get done with work in 45 mins I am going to join Spencer and his friend Jeff over at the Jarrell HS Football field to watch Jeff's brother play. I work again tomorrow from 12-8 I hope there are more customers tomorrow than there were today!
Almost There!!!!
So the electricians finished yesterday! The painters are finishing today! So that means that tomorrow...... WE GET TO START MOVING IN!!!!!!! We are so excited, I will be putting more pictures up as I get them. I have been a little busy with getting our wedding scrapbook done so I can take it to Lake Geneva this weekend. I had to clean the house up a little bit yesterday because Spencer's sister Mindy and her son Cole (almost 4 months old) are comming in today!
I hope to get at least a little bit of moving done before we leave on Friday for Chicago! I am excited to be going to our family reunion in Lake Geneva. We got to see some of the family at our wedding, but we will get to see more this weekend.
I will have more later! It's back to work for another 45 mins and then to the grocery store to get things for dinner, then home to make dinner and to spend time with Mindy, Cole, Dona, and evetually my husband when he gets home from his 7:30 inspection in Temple.
I hope to get at least a little bit of moving done before we leave on Friday for Chicago! I am excited to be going to our family reunion in Lake Geneva. We got to see some of the family at our wedding, but we will get to see more this weekend.
I will have more later! It's back to work for another 45 mins and then to the grocery store to get things for dinner, then home to make dinner and to spend time with Mindy, Cole, Dona, and evetually my husband when he gets home from his 7:30 inspection in Temple.
Almost done!!!
Here are a couple more pictures of the interior of the house.
The guest bathroom shower!
The kitchen! I love the granit, cabinets, and paint color!
One of my favorite rooms! The great room!!!!!
I'M MARRIED!!!!!!!
The wedding was perfect! We had great weather and everything went smoothly! Here are a couple of pictures from the day.
Spencer and I are so happy to be married. It didn't set in that we were married till about the end of the honeymoon week. We are now living with his mom till the house is finished, which should be soon!!!!! Everything is looking good. We can't wait to move in!
Back in Illinois!
Well, I am back in Illinois now till the wedding. I have high speed internet again so I will be posting pictures soon. Here is just one of the house. According to Spencer it is the BEST ROOM EVER!!!!! What do you think?

The floors are done (excluding the carpet in the bedrooms), and the cabinets were put in on Monday!! Everything looks really nice. I can't wait to move in!!!
The floors are done (excluding the carpet in the bedrooms), and the cabinets were put in on Monday!! Everything looks really nice. I can't wait to move in!!!
Friday is my last day at work. It seems weird to me that I am leaving and moving to a whole new place to start a new life. I have always come back home and this time I'm not. I am truly looking forward to my new life with Spencer but I am going to miss my parents and other family that lives in the area.
Spencer comes in tomorrow and we have a packed weekend. We are packing up the truck on Sunday afternoon and Monday morning Dad and I are getting on the road in a Penski truck and pulling my car.
I think the thing I am most looking forward to in the next four weeks that I will be down in Texas is the time that Spencer and I will get to spend together. As most of you know our entire relationship has been long distance and it has been hard on both of us. To tell you the truth both of us are ready to throw our phones out the window. We talked over 3,000 minutes last month alone and we have been together for 16 months. I am looking forward to hanging out at night and having dinner on the table for him and his mom (who I am going to be living with) as well as just being a couple that live in the same area!!!!!! Both of us are glad that we have had this experience, but we are ready to be married and just be together.
I don't have any new pictures of the house but I will very soon so I will update that then. I hope all is going well!!!
I'M MOVING TO TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you Spencer!!!!!
Spencer comes in tomorrow and we have a packed weekend. We are packing up the truck on Sunday afternoon and Monday morning Dad and I are getting on the road in a Penski truck and pulling my car.
I think the thing I am most looking forward to in the next four weeks that I will be down in Texas is the time that Spencer and I will get to spend together. As most of you know our entire relationship has been long distance and it has been hard on both of us. To tell you the truth both of us are ready to throw our phones out the window. We talked over 3,000 minutes last month alone and we have been together for 16 months. I am looking forward to hanging out at night and having dinner on the table for him and his mom (who I am going to be living with) as well as just being a couple that live in the same area!!!!!! Both of us are glad that we have had this experience, but we are ready to be married and just be together.
I don't have any new pictures of the house but I will very soon so I will update that then. I hope all is going well!!!
I'M MOVING TO TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you Spencer!!!!!
The House!
Weekend in Texas

So Spencer and I had a WONDERFUL weekend together. We picked out our cabinets and looked at paint colors. I don't have a fully updated picture of the house, but here is one of how the house looked last week. Since this picture was taken they have put the black fabric on the roof to dry it in and put the siding up on the three little eves that they are putting it on. The rest of the house is all going to be rocked. They also finished drying in the bottom of the carport and porches. Saturday they put in all of the duct work and stuff for the A/C and Furnace. The house is really starting to come together. There are going to be lots of changes between now and when I see it next. I will hopefully get more pictures from my WONDERFUL fiance soon!!!!
The roof!!!
House Update!
The Walls!!!

Yesterday was a big day for Spencer and me. The walls on our house started to go up!!!! Now if the framers showed up early enough today they might've been able to get all the rest of the walls up today, but who knows! We are getting there!
So the next couple of weekends are going to be CRAZY for me. This weekend I am going to Texas and we are going to buy our wedding bands, pick out tuxes, pick out our faucets and such, and look at cabinet samples. The next weekend I am going to Bloomington (to see Bridget!!!) then to Champaigne (to see Lisa, Ryan, & Stephen!!!!!!). The next weekend I am potentially going back down to Texas. The first weekend in May I am going to Ohio for a friends wedding. The weekend after that is my family shower at home. The weekend after that I am back down in Texas. Then I have a weekend at home. My last day at Kramer Tree Specialists is going to be June 1st!!!!! The first weekend in June Spencer is comming up for a church engagement party. In the week following Dad and I are loading up a Uhall truck and moving me down to Texas!!!!!!! So, I am really going to be busy for the next two months, but I am really looking forward to it!!! Hopefully I will have more pictures to post after this weekend!
Can you tell where the toilets go?
Our new home!!!!

So they started our house today!!! They have most of the forms up. They ran out of wood so they are going to finish it up either Monday or Tuesday!!!! I am so excited!!!!! Anyway they should have the screening in soon and then the hard plumming and finally the concrete!! We are on our way to having our first house!!!!!
My new Family!!
So, while I was in Texas I got to see my first kids, 37 Polish Chicks !!!!!!!!! Here are some pictures of my kids. I know that they have grown a lot since I have seen them last and I can't wait to see them all grow up!! There are going to be some black with white tufts, white with black tufts, and Spencer says that there might even be some that are kind of silver with black tips on their wings. So it will be interesting to see all of them grow up!!!!!! (There are some cochin chicks in the picture that are Spencer's Dad's)
Here is a picture of one of our Hereford Calfs aswell. Isn't he cute?
One year anniversary!!
Sorry it has taken me so long to post agian. I have been a little busy at work lately. Anyway, Spencer and my one year anniversary was wonderful. He came in Friday January 26th, on the 27th we stuffed all of our save-the-date cards so that we could send them out the next week. Then we both got dressed up and went into Chicago for the night. Spencer didn't know where we were going. I didn't know if he would really like it but he had never been into Chicago so I thought that I would give it a try. He had never had fondu before either so I took him to The Melting Pot! He loved it!!!!! Touch Down Emily!!!!!!!! We had our own private room down a hallway with a curtin and all. It was very romantic and there was a single rose on the table with a Happy Anniversary card signed by the staff. It took a little longer at the restaurant than we thought after opening gifts and all. So when we got to the Sears Tower they had already closed. We got there AT 7pm and that is when they closed. Oh well, I was really bumbed, but we made the best of it and I drove him around Chicago for a little while showing him some of the major things in the city. Including Soldier Field (The home of the 2006 NFC Champion Chicago Bears!!!!) So we got home at a good hour and were able to spend some time just relaxing. Sunday we went to church and then to Grandmas for dinner where we celebrated Uncle Rollie's, Chelsea's, and Spencer's Birthday. Since the tickets I bought for the Sears Tower were good for another three days Spencer and I left a little early for the airport so that he could see the city from a different angle. (Another TD for Emily!!!!!) Unfortunately Spencer did have to go home so I had to take him to the airport ;( The bright side is that I get to go down and see him this weekend, AND he is going to have lots of Polish Chicks waiting for me when I get there!!!!!!! Well I have to go, my lunch break is over. I will put pictures up soon!!
The Holidays!!!
Well the holidays are over and it is almost time to go back to work. But first we are going to have yet another wedding in the family. Heidi and Anthony are going to get married on the 6th in Champaign, IL. Three down one to go!!!!!
I have had a wonderful time being with Spencer over the past two weekends and he comes in on Thursday for Heidi's wedding. So I will be able to spend this weekend with him aswell.
This past weekend I was down in Texas (my soon to be new home). I had a good time with his mom, sister and sister's kids. We talked about the wedding and started to get more things nailed down for the rehersal dinner. We still have a lot to do, but it is all so much fun.
Last week Heather, Heidi, Mom and I went bridesmaid dress shopping. We found the dress and it only took us about a half hour to do. So we have my dress ordered and paid for and two out of three bridesmaid dresses ordered. So things are comming along!!!!!!
Well we have the last reception for Heather and Marc-Andre tonight so I should go and help finish getting ready!
I have had a wonderful time being with Spencer over the past two weekends and he comes in on Thursday for Heidi's wedding. So I will be able to spend this weekend with him aswell.
This past weekend I was down in Texas (my soon to be new home). I had a good time with his mom, sister and sister's kids. We talked about the wedding and started to get more things nailed down for the rehersal dinner. We still have a lot to do, but it is all so much fun.
Last week Heather, Heidi, Mom and I went bridesmaid dress shopping. We found the dress and it only took us about a half hour to do. So we have my dress ordered and paid for and two out of three bridesmaid dresses ordered. So things are comming along!!!!!!
Well we have the last reception for Heather and Marc-Andre tonight so I should go and help finish getting ready!
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